“i can do anything good”

August 3, 2010 § 12 Comments

Why hello there beautiful!

If you’re visiting through either of Caitlin’s blogs (Healthy Tipping Point or Operation Beautiful) thanks for stopping by 😀

First thing first, have you picked up your copy of Operation Beautiful yet?

I want to be honest with you about my health. My weight is phenomenal. I’m learning to appreciate a good workout and incorporate exercise into my daily routine. My muscles are slowly becoming defined and I’ve definitely got natural curves to my body!

However, there are some barriers I’m still struggling to overcome. Specifically, when it comes to my idea of safe foods, my tendency to restrict, and most importantly, how I view myself. I am my biggest enemy and supporter in my quest for wellness. This seemed like the perfect platform to share my most recent recovery adventures. Here are a few ways I’ve adjusted my lifestyle. I’ve started to-

Lend myself to others (without stretching myself too thin)
Taking time each day to focus on friends, family, or being courteous to complete strangers calms me. It is a great reminder that I’m not the only person on the planet. In fact, the world does not revolve around me.

“When you’re struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it’s just as hard as what you’re going through.”
— Nicholas Sparks (Dear John)

I feel like I’ve always been the go to person (middle child) among my friends and family. I am always willing to lend an ear. However, I’ve become cautious of exactly how much time goes into making others feel good. So…

Cut the crap
Being blunt is the only way for me to explain this (to myself at least 🙂 ).  I’ve had friends in middle school, high school, and in college that have sucked every resource from me and kicked me down when I had nothing else left to give. Lending money, taking on other people’s problems for them, and always putting myself second are tendencies of mine.  I’ve had to be honest with myself and consider how many people would have my back in the same way. Let’s just say it’s not every friend on Facebook. The great news- within the past six months I’ve  let go of some toxic relationships I never thought I had the courage to split from. Some of these ‘friends’ have told me I : am too fat, need a boob job, could use some liposuction, am a pushover, will never be able to run long distances, should whiten my teeth, need to go to the tanning salon, won’t make it in the psychology field, have too many stretch marks, and the list goes on.  I’m all for constructive criticism, but there is never any reason to be cruel. In cutting out negative friends I’m discovering myself all over again. So long unhealthy mindset!

And more crap…
Diet food. You know it, I know it. Whole and natural foods> processed low calorie garbage any day. Finding new ways to nourish my body is overwhelming but surprisingly rewarding! I have a new objective when it comes to checking nutrition labels too. I’m training myself to check the ingredient list first before checking calorie content. I’m learning to balance my food choices out and take things one meal at a time. This might seem daunting to some of you. I haven’t reached the point where I can let go and trust my instinctual nourishing capabilities. I’m not quite at that point yet. For now, meal by meal and moment to moment it is.

Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard.

Avoid celebrity buzz
The majority of celebrity news is negative and usually just speculation. Think of the most recent trending stories…what are the most popular issues right now? The last thing I need in my life is a bombardment of cheating rumors, DUI updates, detailed plastic surgery reports, a shortened jail sentence scandal, etc. At the end of the day, I have to ask myself how it’s all benefiting me. Besides having another hot topic to gossip about with friends… no other ways I can think of.

Trust me, I’m a girl who loves her Pink is the New Blog and a good rerun of whatever the Kardashians are up to at the moment. This doesn’t mean I dodge magazines in supermarket lines or took a sledgehammer to my television.  But limiting my exposure is turning my attention elsewhere to find role models. P.S. If you’re a confident mamasita with a healthy lifestyle, you’re one of them! 😀

(I don’t know when another opportunity for this photo would present itself. Television smashing…computer smashing…A few summers ago my bro worked for the school district and took home useless monitors. We had our own little Office Space backyard party.)

Aim to be that role model
When I was young I emulated what my mom, cousins, friends, and older brother did. I’m working on setting a better example (health, attitude, and choice wise) for my younger siblings, relatives, and friends. There is no way I’m watching my every step fearing it will be imitated by someone I might influence. But, I’m actively maintaining a more positive outlook. I’m hopeful the steps I take could inspire someone else to make changes in their lives.

Who’s to say you can’t be that girl? You know…the one accomplishing her goals, facing her fears, and rocking it out! Aim to be the one to get a book deal, cooks more diverse dishes, discovers a new passion, travels, takes up a dance class, and make the steps necessary to be the best  possible you. Learning to say ‘yes I can’ to challenges I’m presented with is terrifying. But, I’m ready to face them head on!

Learning to forgive
Me. Replaying mistakes I’ve made in my mind is counterproductive. If I want to take a nose dive back into disordered eating and a depressive mood, I can achieve that. If I want to focus moving forward from previous struggles, I can! It is so easy to evaluate exactly what’s gone wrong, how I messed up previously, and what I was thinking at the time. Writing in my journal, communicating these concerns with close friends, and being honest with myself have helped me move forward. Beating myself up for what I could have done different is such a waste of precious time. I’ve got too much going for me to look back now.

As promised, the video that helped my outlook. My mom says I behaved just like her when I was a little peanut. Who says I can’t get that confidence back? Trust me it’s worth watching.

xoxo, Annie

§ 12 Responses to “i can do anything good”

  • I’ve seen that little girl before and I just love her!
    I truly hope she grows up to be a strong and motivated woman!

    I really like this post, you seem to have come a long way and really grown as a person!

  • I love your discussion on “cutting the crap”. Seriously- why bother with people who prefer to bring you down than support you? I’ve dealt with people who make subtle condescending remarks before, and finally realized I don’t need that in my life. Life is stressful enough sometimes!

  • phenomenal video. loving it. i think it just motivated me to try and do ‘anything better than anyone else’ 😉

    when recovery starts to seem easy, challenge yourself more. face and conquer your fears. yes, go to THAT place. it’s worth it. i promise

    have a marvelous day!

  • That little girl is so awesome.. I saw this video awhile back and she is just too cute!

  • And your post made me smile big too! I love the photos, videos and quotes you chose. So funny and appropriate (yes, even the computer smashing!). 🙂

  • Tina says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! This post is amazingly beautiful. I agree whole heartedly that loving others, letting go of media, letting go of things that harm your body or your sense of worth, etc make a huge difference. Great, great, great post.

  • Amanda @ HopeHasAPlace says:

    I’ve seen the video before now, and think it’s darling! I wish everyone had that attitude!

    This post is absolutely brilliant. I love all the positive changes you’re making to ensure your health and happiness. It would be a shame for anything to get in the way of your radiant personality! … “Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

    Thanks for the sweet comment, by the way! I was delighted to discover your blog as well. You seem to be truly striving to overcome any disordered thoughts and habits, and to live a full and fabulous life. That is something I greatly admire, and I look forward to continue following your journey.

    You’re wonderful, hun! Keep smiling… it’s a huge encouragement. xoxo

  • Annie!!! What a wonderful post! I 100% agree with everything that you said.

    I read a blog post today @ I’m an Okie and she talked about something that really stuck with me: If you were deserted on a desert island and you would live a long life but no one would ever find you, would you really care to (for ex:) lose the last 5 lbs? It’s only when we are comparing ourselves to others, the media, etc. that we feel this pressure that in turn makes us feel crappy about ourselves.

    Each day we should try our best to not only live like we have a month left on Earth, but also TREAT OURSELVES how we would want to be treated if we only had that time left.

    Keep up the good work girl. XOXOXOX


  • Heather R says:

    I’ve always wanted to do that to a computer like the guy in the picture, I think it would be a great stress reliever!

  • Becky says:

    Beautiful post! I’m so glad you stopped by my blog, so I could find yours. You are learning so much and have such a positive perspective. Cutting the toxicity out of your life is probably the healthiest thing anyone can do for themselves. I can’t wait to read more of your journey!

  • Jennifer says:

    Great tips! I especially love your “cut the crap” section. Sometimes it can simply be as easy as that. I haven’t bought Caitlin’s book yet, but I definitely want to.

  • Natalie says:

    love your list, girl! and ive seen that video before and love it hahahaha

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